Google Ads Access

Granting BrandsBe or any agency managing your existing Google Ads account is easy. Just complete the steps below.

The Steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Sign In in the top-right if you are not already signed in.
  3. In the top right of your account there should be a Google Ads Account Number. Highlight, right click and copy this number.
  4. Send an email to with this number enclosed.
  5. We will submit a request to get ads manager access, you will remain the owner on your account.
  6. Once the request is submitted to Google Ads by BrandsBe you will receive an email from google with a subject line of "A manager account is requesting access to you Google Ads account...." - open the email.
  7. Click the big blue button on the email to "ACCEPT REQUEST" once you click this it will pull you into your account
  8. Once more, click Accept
  9. Your done, good work!


If you run into any issues during this process feel free to contact us here and we will be happy to help you with the process!